Titular noticias
For them, smile of a child is a very serious thing. Wherever they go, they distribute unique humanitarian assistance: food for the soul.

An apparently impossible story: multiethnic and community peace in the Balkans

Top flight teams, disabled, immigrant, youth teams, women's teams and international teams meet every two years for the Peace Cup. The goal is to bring back the original spirit of international competition, where confrontation between nations are fought out exclusively in the sporting arena.

On March 21, 2003 – the same day that the war in Iraq started – three young Americans set out on a trip to Africa. They didn’t know it at the time, but this trip would be the start of a social and peaceful Pan-American movement, founded by them, by telling the story of the children of Uganda, children who, in order to survive, learn from an early age not to cry.

Quiénes Somos

El periodismo creó la figura del corresponsal de guerra, pero el mundo carecía hasta hoy de un Corresponsal de Paz.

Corresponsal de Paz es un nuevo medio de comunicación digital, que dedicará su contenido a visibilizar todos aquellos esfuerzos encaminados a transformar pacíficamente los conflictos. Leer más...